Trick Giblet

Trick Giblet
24"W x 24"H x 1.5"D
Certificate of Authenticity Included
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I walked in circles around the canvas to create Trick Giblet, which was positioned on a round table. It's intentionally freeform, exclusively an effort to follow form and color where it took me without any preconceptions. I used brushes and knives, sometimes applying acrylic paint directly from tube to canvas. I want the viewer to imagine whatever comes to mind, or to simply enjoy how the hues and shapes dance on the canvas. Texture and meaty globbits of paint, to me, give it life. Why the name? It's as playful as the composition. Funky.
The deep 1-1/2" edges of your canvas have been painted as extensions of the main composition.
Trick Giblet arrives prewired, ready to hang.
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